What the HVAC interviewer really want is to seethat you have thought about your future, then gaugeyour ambition. And they also want to verify that itisn’t a stop gap position. So your answers should betailored to the HVAC company and the HVACengineer job you have applied for.
HVAC engineer interview questions with answers:
Here are 70 questions with answers for you topractice before you meet the interviewer for theposition of HVAC engineer.Engineer Interview
GET PdF Click 70 Question & Answers for HVAC
These technical questions for HVAC interview arethe top questions that come any interview for airconditioning, heating or ventilation jobs. Read themcarefully before applying for HVAC engineer job.
Q.1) What is the Unit of Heat?(1M)
Units: 8TU (8ritish Thermal Units)18TU: It is the amount of energy required to raise 1Degree Fahrenheit temperature of 1 Pound of water(OR)It is the amount of heatwhen added to 1Pound of water increases the temperature of water toFahrenheit1 L6 = 0.45 KgS for)s 1k8 2.2 Lbs. Types of Heat:-Sensible Ha2/11be sensed or measured by an ordinary dry bulb thermometer.Eg: Huttemperature can be measured using thermometer latent Heat: It can’t be sersexmeasured by an ordinary dry bulb thermometer. It is a hidden heat. Latent heat isabsorbed o released wheneverthere is a change in phase. Eg: When the waterbecomesvəpor and vice versa
Q.2) What is TON & 1 TON = ?(2M)
TON or Ton of refrigeration: It is the amount of energy required to Freeze 1 pound ofwater in 24 hours (or) it is the amount of energy required to Melt 1 Ton of lce in 24 Hours
Q.3) Volume Of Air is measured in?(2M)
Volume of air is measured in terms of: CFM = Cubic Feet per Minute CMH = Cubic Meterper Hour M’/Sec = Cubic Meter per Second/Sec = Liters per second CMH = 1.7 x CFMCfM = 2118 x m3/sec CfM = 2.119 x l/sec
Q.4) What is ASHRAE?
ASHRAE: American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers@.5) What is the Room Temperature that you maintain in any room?(1M)24 Degree Celsius or 76 Degree Fahrenheit

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